I keep track of publicity linked to me, and that led me to this very interesting website that has on display, the appearance of Chic Gaylord on TV's "What's My Line" in 1960. I won't steal the chap's thunder by downloading the video (but I do have the tools for that) and instead am posting his link. The image below is not clickable, the link follows it.
https://www.sportsfirings.com/?p=27012&cpage=1#comment-147153 I suppose I could work out how to get his page to start with his lead-in vs my post; but scroll up! Doubtless his link will not stay up forever so have a look while he still tolerates our visits.
I had located the exact date of Chic's appearance but not the film clip, and mentioned that appearance in Holstory. From there the chap (unidentified so far but knows FOH John Taffin) located the TV episode itself. I've jumped in at the end of his post to identify yet another appearance by Gaylord, in a '61 NJ tv listing. Chic's book had just appeared 1960.
Chic had been a Broadway PR agent since his newspaper days, a graphic artist (cartoonist), a toy plane manufacturer (as a child), and a prop maker for Broadway (Peter Pan). We know him as a holster maker and that is how he appeared for the panel of the then-famous "What's My Line". First time I've seen the episode and I laughed out loud at the guests' contributions! Surprised, though, to see how much of the answering was by the host and not by the guest.
Also great to see Bennet Cerf in action. Like Mark Twain, as a humour writer he was stellar. He lived only another ten years. Cerf was an old-timer to me then and I'm pretty old myself nowadays. My family didn't have a TV until dad hired one to follow the post-assassination coverage of JFK, November 1963. We were newly arrived in London to stay several years (until 1966, the original Bond film years; rated 'X' in the English system as "under 17 not admitted" but I've always looked 'mature' for my age).
"Sign in, please".
To read more about it all in my book titled "Holstory -- Gunleather of the Twentieth Century
-- the Second Edition", click on the new link at top of page.