The two restored posts in PDF form address what a holster is truly FOR, and how creating a new design is less-than-obvious for 'normal' people. All the great gunleather designers were/are straight white males and sexually obsessed (so if that's not you, don't even give it a go. If a pistol is a penis, then a holster is a pussy).
Before Chic Gaylord the IWB simply didn't look like this, but it sure has ever since:

Yet if your designer/maker is not a member of the 2800 Club (see separate post) then they never had the 'bug' at all. Nice guys like Gene DeSantis and Lou Alessi stepped into the void left by Paris Theodore; but they did not innovate and made copies instead.
To read more about it all in my book titled "Holstory -- Gunleather of the Twentieth Century
-- the Second Edition", click on the new link at top of page.