The fumbling around by a lady SS agent after the Trump shooting reminds me to post about a pair of holsters I created for two of my client companies, in the '90s: Aker, and DeSantis.
I designed them around a shapely BATF agent who attended a cop shop for the purpose. I'll admit I was triggered by her tiny waist and bosomy shape, but I got the job done. This is not she, but another DD gal, wearing the DeSantis:
Above she's 50ish and not slim, and the holster is positioned at 4:00 with a 1911 mould inserted. It hides but doesn't dig into her ribcage, and can be drawn past her boobs.
The system was created to meet an FBI solicitation for a bid by DeSantis, when the 10 mm Lite was being considered. DeSantis won but the 10 mms lost! So no contract for him. This is the holster with the men's paddle affixed on its backside:
The paddle is configured very differently for women than for men. The first image is for women, and not only tilts the grip outwards from her ribcage, but also drops the holstered pistol and inch or even two. Did I mention adjustable angle, within a useful range?
Same DeSantis holster, with the men's paddle attached. Notice the pistol carries straight up with the grip close in to the rib cage of a man; this is ideal for a man because he has (1) no waist and (2) no bust; still adjustable angle within a useful range:
For Aker an entirely different paddle setup for women (my 1990s Nichols Innovation, inspired by Porsche Design that catered to other car companies, always provided new and different solutions for each client holster company).
Above and below the patents were 'allowed' but didn't issue; I was shifting to Australia.
Below is the man's version by Aker. I don't yet seem to have located an image of the women's version by Aker. Same holsters in all cases, with the different paddles attached:
Above I was pleasantly surprised that the above design for Aker works already with red dot sights? I was ahead of my time with the design and didn't even know! Not even on my radar until someone tried to kill President Trump with a red dot sight on an AR rifle. But Aker worked it out:
DON['T LISTEN TO ANY IDIOT WHO TELLS YOU TO GO AIWB to solve this problem, until you read my nearby blog post about how AIWB KILLS. Then at least you'll make the informed decision ahead of time of how you're going to die.
To read more about it all in my book titled "Holstory -- Gunleather of the Twentieth Century
-- the Second Edition", click on the new link at top of page.