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Berns-Martin (R)

Since 1932, appointed HMS 1958

Registered Trademark, Red Nichols

See full CV
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In the first of the Bond films late in 1962, 'M' at left demands that his agent James Bond hand over his Beretta .25 automatic in exchange for a Walther .32 automatic with Berns-Martin shoulder holster.  The holster "prop" of the film is not that holster.  At right in the image is the almost as mythical Major Boothroyd, who is based on Ian Fleming's correspondent expert Geoffrey Boothroyd who recommended the Berns-Martin 'Triple Draw" based on the writings of Col. Charles Askins.


'M', of course, was Fleming himself who wrote privately about assigning Bond his equipment and missions.  Even their oak panelled offices mimicked each other's.


Read more about Ian Fleming and Berns-Martin (and James Bond's pistols) in Red Nichols privately published "Holstory -- Gunleather of the 20th Century" available by reaching the site below:



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Click on the book image above to reach Red Nichols' sales site for "Holstory".

The very first pair of Berns-Martin's "Speed" holsters were for 20th century writer and adventurer Elmer Keith.  The holster and belt set is unique from all others by the holsters being made without belt loops and instead being stitched to the belt itself.  Two rows of cartridge loops are in two different calibers:  the upper row being .44/45 and the lower being .38/357; Elmer carried the same large S&W frame revolvers in either of the two calibers depending on what Arctic game he was hunting.

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